Study in Yokohama:

We are seeking international students. Are you interested to get your Master or PhD degree in one of the research topics presented here ? If so, please contact directly prof. Micheletto by e-mail. Some basic explanation of the general procedure to obtain a grant are explained here.

General infos:

Our university is ranked among the top 30% in Japan and issue internationally valid PhDs and Master degrees. Non-japanese students can qualify to receive grants that include fees and monthly salary about 150.000 yen. We are located on the sea side close to marine attractions, parks and temples, Tokyo can be reached in about one hour.


A complete list of the instruments available in the department is here. Following are pictures of some of the instruments  used by  professor Micheletto and hist students.


A Scanning Electron Microscope.

We use this Keyence Scanning Electron Microscope to analyze our nano-probes and other nano-device we construct.

We deal with Surface Plasmon Resonance device, nano-gold particles and other nano-structure that we sometime observe with this SEM.
Electron Microscope (SEM)


Atomic Force Microscope

This device is used to analyze the surface morfology of various samples.

It uses a "cantilever", a very sharp probe that almost touch the sample in order to observe its superficial shape and mechanical properties.

AFM microscope


Scanning Near-field Optical Microscope

This device use particular optical nano-probes  to illuminate or collect light and it is able to surpass diffraction limits. Spatial resolution can reach easily 100nm or below.

We use it to probe optical dynamics of LEDs, study polarization properties of samples and other various tests.
SNOM system